Frustrations increasing over travellers in Warwick

The travellers that were on sites in Hampton Road last week have now moved onto sites in Tapping Way.The travellers that were on sites in Hampton Road last week have now moved onto sites in Tapping Way.
The travellers that were on sites in Hampton Road last week have now moved onto sites in Tapping Way.
Tensions are growing in Warwick as travellers continue to move from site to site in the town.

Over Christmas and New Year travellers settled on several sites in Hampton Road and at St Nicholas Park car park.

Last Monday travellers settled back on sites in Hampton Road just seven weeks after another group was moved on police.

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Shortly after they set up camp business owners in the area became concerned for the safety of their livelihoods and their customers.

Travellers near Hatton Park.Travellers near Hatton Park.
Travellers near Hatton Park.

According to the Chase Meadow Residents’ Association’s Facebook the police were set to evict any remaining travellers on Hampton Raod on Monday with their Section 61 powers.

On Sunday evening some of the travellers moved off the site but quickly settled on Tapping Way.

Another group was then spotted on Monday having settled near Hatton Park.

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During the week tensions have been growing with residents, business owners and councillors because of the ongoing issues with travellers getting onto sites.

Travellers near Hatton Park.Travellers near Hatton Park.
Travellers near Hatton Park.

According to the The Chase Meadow Residents’ Association Facebook page a court hearing to reclaim the Tapping Way site is set to take place on Monday.

A spokesperson from Warwickshire Police said: “The legal process has started and notice was served on February 20 and a second notice was served on February 22. An application has been made to the court by Warwickshire County Council which has a court date of Monday.”