Slideshow: Wonderous weavings created for community woods in Leamington

Some of the textile art created by participants at the last in a series of weaving workshops at Foundry Wood in Leamington.Some of the textile art created by participants at the last in a series of weaving workshops at Foundry Wood in Leamington.
Some of the textile art created by participants at the last in a series of weaving workshops at Foundry Wood in Leamington.
Visitors to community woodland Foundry Wood in Leamington can enjoy an array of colourful textile art which has been created by adults and children who took part in free workshops at the site this spring.

Around 150 people took part in sessions - the last of which was on Saturday - which were run by the not-for-profit group the Weavers’ Workshop, which was able to offer the workshops free of charge thanks to funding from Warwick District Council and Arts Council England.

The next event at Foundry Wood is a family adventure woodland day tomorrow (Saturday May 3), from 10am to 4pm, where families can have a go at campfire cooking, fire lighting, clay work, foraging and more. Places £25 per family; call 07813 93459.

To find out more about the Weavers’ Workshop, visit