Warwick eight-year-old's charity walk for World Prematurity Day

Joe Malone, along with his family and friends, took part in a charity walk for World Premature Day.Joe Malone, along with his family and friends, took part in a charity walk for World Premature Day.
Joe Malone, along with his family and friends, took part in a charity walk for World Premature Day.
An eight-year-old boy who was born at just 23 weeks gestation held a walk in Warwick at the weekend to mark World Prematurity Day.

Joe Malone, who lives in Warwick, wanted to do something for World Prematurity Day (November 17), so he and his family organised a walk at St Nicholas Park on Saturday, November 18, to raise money for Bliss, which is a charity for premature and sick babies.

Bliss was also hosting their own walk in London and people around the world took part in their own walks to raise money for the charity.

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Joe was born premature at 23 weeks gestation weighing just 1lb 3oz.

Over the following ten days after Joe was born, he had several medical issues and treatments. This included numerous blood transfusions, jaundice, glucose problems, patent duct arteriosis (heart murmur), a platelet transfusion, low oxygen saturation, collapsed lungs and various infections.

After 18 weeks of special care Joe was allowed to go home.

Now eight, Joe wanted to do something to mark World Prematurity Day and so he and his family and friends took part in the walk with lanterns and lights.

Becky Malone, Joe’s mum, said: “Joe has been asking to organise a charity event for some time. This seemed a perfect opportunity, especially as he is now old enough to have a better understanding of his prematurity. We hoped to raise awareness by sharing his story and to also show that miracles can happen.

“We did the walk and had pizza and chips at the Unicorn pub, which was also provided by the Unicorn pub, followed by a presentation and certificates for the kids.

“We raised just under £1,000.”

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